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Amphora Looks to Alchemy

Amphora had a good year in 2024 increasing it client base and ending the year with a very full pipeline, David Glasspool told me recently as I checked in on the vendor. Most vendors that I have spoken to recently are reporting strong demand and good activity levels, and Amphora is seeing a lot of RFPs. David is bullish about 2025 telling me that he anticipates a very strong year for the business. “We have done a huge amount of work on potential deals that are all about to close,” he told me. Interestingly, David thinks 2025 will be a strong year for Amphora’s Alchemy product for metals and concentrates as it seems that there is a great deal of metals activity in the market.

However, Amphora has been busy working hard to set itself up for future success in terms of working on Symphony as well. As we have reported here in the past, it has now got a single branch of the product and has all customers using that while it has significantly shortened implementation times and reduced outstanding support issues to virtually nil. Added to that, it has been working on taking the product to the web starting by modularizing it and then planning to release each module in turn starting with the price manager module, he told me. This module is being release shortly and will be followed by other modules such as the risk manager. The beauty of this is that customers can now procure these modules stand-alone or fully integrated in a complete Symphony deployment. Certain modules can also be shared by Symphony and Alchemy reducing support effort by the vendor as well.

On the Alchemy front, he says that a major proportion of leads are now for metals and Alchemy. Alchemy has been constantly worked on and invested in too and now supports refined metals as well as concentrates. “A substantial amount of functionality has been added including various reports with more to come,” he said. “The product development team works in sprints to deliver new functionality rapidly.” There is also a lot of demand for oil solutions particularly in Europe and the Middle East, he told me.

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