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MicroStep HDO’s Xenergie Continues to be dominant Czech-Slovak Power Trading ETRM

Last week I also spoke to Slovak ETRM vendor MicroStep HDO who are in fact, right on my doorstep! Microstep HDO employ around 60 staff but it is a part of the larger (250+ MicroStep company. MicroStep HDO, based in Bratislava, has three branches of which one deals with energy trading via its flagship Xenergie product and its ETRM module.

Xenergie was originally brought to market in 2000 but the ETRM module was developed later – around 2004 – and it dominates the ETRM landscape for electric power in the former Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic and Solvak Republic these days) and bordering countries. The software is targeted primarily at electric power traders, distributers and generators but also has some gas and other commodity capabilities. It includes the following functions;

• Energy Data Management
• Contract Management
• Price and Portfolio Optimization
• Price and Demand Forecasting
Energy Trading and Risk Management
• Billing – Wholesale and Retail
Business Intelligence and Report Management
• Integrated Data Communication with Energy Market Participants
• Customer Web Portal

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The software is currently used by more than 20 companies in the region including CEZ, Czech Coal, VSE and a number of EON subsidiaries in the region, for example.

MicroStep HDO is still actively working on the original product and is also working on a next generation version on service oriented architecture as well, that is expected to be released in the summer for core modules with other modules to follow.

Given the geographic focus of the product, it is not too surprising that Xenergie supports the EEX, PXE and the Polish exchanges and for scheduling it supports DAMAS, OTE and so on in the region.

MicroStep HDO told us that they view the differentiator for Xenergie as its modularity and ease of maintenance. Customers are able to rapidly respond to market change and can do a lot of the configuration work themselves with the need for MicroStop HDO’s involvement.

MicroStep HDO is yet another regional ETRM supplier that has thrived in a particular region of Europe by virtue of its market knowledge and local presence.