2020 CTRM Sourcebook
The Commodity Technology Advisory LLC (ComTech) CTRM Software Sourcebook is designed to be a useful and highly usable resource to help those seeking information regarding the capabilities and coverage of products within the ETRM/CTRM software space. It is a starting point in the product selection process – a mid-level guide to allow the reader to develop a long list of vendors that have high potential capabilities in terms of functional and commodity coverage to meet the specific needs of individual commodity market participants. It is NOT intended to be a replacement for a formal selection process – CTRM software is simply too complex to be selected properly without utilizing a programmatic selection process.
A free Resource or Those Wishing to Procure CTRM Software
Our intention in developing the CTRM Sourcebook is to inform the reader of the wide universe of vendors and products, and allow companies seeking a new system to compile a list of vendors that may include some that might not have otherwise been considered or that they may not have even previously been aware of.
Each Vendor and Product listing is compiled with the same format for clarity and ease of use, and each is comprised of:
- The name of the vendor and contact information
- A graphic showing the distribution of current clients by geography
- A graphic showing client distribution by common industry segment
- ComTech Advisory research highlights regarding the vendor and product
- A graphical matrix providing an overview of the product’s capabilities, by function(horizontal axis), by commodity (vertical axis)
- Company and product information including each vendors’ submitted company and product description
- Total installed base by licensed customer companies
- A representative list of users of the product
- Deployment methods of the highlighted product(s)
- Office locations and contact phone numbersThe product functionality and commodity coverage charts are easily readable and provide mid-level information about each vendor’s product capabilities.
For Vendors who Wish to be Listed
We are in the process of sending out invitations to all vendors to list in the 2020 CTRM Sourcebook.
As you may know, the Sourcebook has become more or less the definitive first source of information for those companies beginning a CTRM software selection process. Previous versions of the Sourcebook, last published in February 2019, have been downloaded, viewed online and redistributed via email thousands of times. As a result, we believe that having a listing in the CTRM Sourcebook is very important for all vendors wishing to reach prospective buyers in the earliest stages of their CTRM software selection efforts. This new version, with a new and improved layout, will be released mid-year 2020. As with all the previous editions, this new version is designed to be easily readable, and provide critical information and insights that might otherwise be unavailable to buyers looking for new CTRM products.
The 2020 CTRM Sourcebook will be made available as a free download to registered users of the CTRMCenter (registration is also free of charge). This no cost distribution model ensures the widest possible distribution of the Sourcebook. The previous Sourcebook is still available for download at https://www.ctrmcenter.com/publications/reports/sourcebook-2019/ if you would like to review it (though it will be removed once the 2020 edition is released).
If you would like to be listed, or if you would like to purchase advertising in the report please do contact us.