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E-World – Essen in June

When I got off the train at Essen main station and walked outside, something seemed to have changed. Essen didn’t look like Essen. It took a meeting with Mark Tredway of Enuit to figure out what it was… it was sunny and not snowy and gloomy! It is after all June not February. Of course, once you enter the realm of Messe Essen, the weather is no longer a thing. Inside, nothing much seemed to have changed despite E-World’s absence for a couple of years.

Talking to vendors, it seemed traffic was off a bit – I heard everything from 12% to 25%. To me, it seemed very busy but then again, I am not used to crowds anymore. All the vendors I visited were however happy with the traffic and told me that there were real buyers out there. It seems many were doing lots and lots of demos.

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I was only there for a day but walked 16.5 km according to my Garmin watch. By about 10:30am I had already started to get used to face to face contact at a trade show again – my feet and my back hurt and…. I was losing my voice!

I visited with as many of the vendors as I could find in the ETRM space including Brady, Ion, Energy One, NavitaSoft, Previse Systems, Cubelogic and FIS amongst others. I also stopped by FORRS and had meetings with non-exhibiting attendees as well.

It was good to see everyone!

Mark Tredway of Enuit and Ben Hillary of Commodities People
FORRS booth
Energy One Booth…
Brady had a huge booth at E-World this year.
Previse Systems Booth.