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Energy One Launches Miniseries of Webinars Around European Power and Gas Market Entry.

Energy One is setting out a new webinar miniseries that it says will be targeted at new entrants to European power and gas. The series kicks off on 30th January 2024 with a webinar entitled – Speed up your entry to new energy markets Mitch Exon of Energy One told me recently. “We are targeting companies entering the space with informative webinars,” he said. “These include entries from a different industry, funds attracted by volatility or existing commodity firms that are eyeing European power and gas markets,” he said. “It could even include oil and gas firms looking at renewables, for example.

The first webinar sees Energy One partnered with Time2 Market, a firm that provides early stage market entry guidance into European power and gas markets and helps companies navigate regulations, set up and access. It will focus on best practice and common hurdles entities face, he told me. ”Energy One and Time2Market join forces in this webinar to share valuable insights that will help companies gain faster access to new energy markets. Whether you’re a newly established energy trading company, a Hedge fund, a bank, or a commodity trading house looking to expand to European and global wholesale power and gas markets, we’ve got you covered.”

Energy One offers an array of scheduling, dispatch, auctioning and ETRM solutions to customers across Europe and has moved into providing outsourced operational services on top of its dispatch and scheduling software. The webinar miniseries will help promote those solutions and services indirectly to the types of firms that could use them – new entrants. The miniseries will see Energy One partner with other entities to provide information and knowledge to those entities, he told me.

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