Are you ready for the digital revolution of recruitment?
Every good company knows that it’s most important asset is its staff, right? That a good hire can keep a business afloat through low points and help growth skyrocket during high points?
So, as we see technology continue to evolve, it will play an increasingly important role in the way organisations should approach the talent search and hiring process. As an example, when LinkedIn popped up and online job applications first began to gain traction, they were seen as supplements to the traditional paper résumé and in-person interview. Today, the world of recruiting has gone digital crazy. From the résumé to the search to the interview, we’re moving toward a digital hiring model. Résumés will be displaced by constantly evolving representations of individual experiences, skills and aptitudes that exist purely in the digital realm. Digital profiles are able to provide far more insight into a candidate, as many recruiters have realized in other niche technology sectors. Increasingly, CTRM recruitment is following the same digital trend.
Oil slump creating more appetite for credit risk talent.
As Commodity Traders play with more risk from a prolonged drop in oil prices, we are now seeing a short to medium term appetite for credit risk skills.
If we just look at the past 7 weeks requirements curve:
Is ETRM yesterday’s news!
In my very early days in recruitment, I can remember most utilities and energy traders hiring an abundance of skills for large ERP implementations, mostly SAP within modules such as ERP, SCM, IS-Oil, and ISU. It was only until companies had a workable ERP solution they then looked at ETRM systems – I mention ETRM as CTRM hardly existed ten years ago because of the margins made in oil versus corn were substantial and warranted more reasons to run an expensive trading and risk management system.
What we are now seeing, is that the likes of CPG’s, food and beverage companies and producers now on the verge of replicating what was done in energy 10-15 years ago, creating a fruitful job market for IT skills in and around CTRM implementation and ERP integration.
Microsoft Dynamics seems to be a more popular choice as an SAP alternative to 10 years ago when the likes of Oracle were a stronger competitor. The days of not being fired for SAP seem to be over as Dynamics AX has a strong foothold and creating more jobs for MS integrated CTRM solutions such as Dycotrade and FinTrade. For those businesses on SAP, the separation of SAP and TPT with CSL seems a challenge but as SAP Commodity Management still lurks in the background wh may see the ERP giants increase their need for CTRM skills.
New CTRM recruitment projects
2015 has seen the new contract and permanent requirements increase around 20% and very active from a RFI/P proposal perspective with lots of activity around ERP and CTRM selection with the treasury systems (Findur) trend continuing into Q2.
Below are a few examples of the sort of permanent hire and contractors we are seeing in Europe right now to give you an idea:
- Brady FinTrade implementation in Switzerland
- OpenLink Findur implementation in London, Ireland, Spain & Nordics
- Allegro upgrade in UK and Germany
- Dycotrade implementation in the Netherlands and Germany
- Openlink Endur greenfield implementation in Central Europe and London
- SAP Commodity Management in Switzerland
- ITAS implementation in London
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