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The Zombie Invasion Happened – No One Noticed

Today’s blog is sort of off topic and yet – it is on topic too.

As I scanned the news on Reuters and other outlets for interesting news to post here, I got sucked into the Trump visit to the UK. In particular, I was struck by the protests and the protesters themselves.  For weeks, the Pro-Brexit side has been pumping up a trade deal with the US while the anti-Brexit side has been painting a picture of American hormone-rich beef, chlorinated chicken and ‘worse than anything’ – the take over of the National Health Service by sinister American private health outfits who would sell your kidney while you were not looking to make a profit. So, what do I see and read about …. people protesting in all seriousness chlorinated chicken imports and the US take over of the national health service.

It made me realize that for many the world is a black and white place. They read it in the paper or on the news and believe it. Perhaps, they have spent the last two years inside their own poisonous echo chamber on Facebook or increasingly these days I am afraid – Linked in. I do, in the end, blame social media. The world is suddenly one big anti Trump meme for many people. People are becoming automatons sucking in the endless stream of bile and untruth from their favorite device while ambling from cradle to grave without a single original thought ever passing through their brains. The Zombie invasion has already happened and no one noticed!

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London Zombies
Photo – Gary M Vasey


I want people to start using their gray matter again. To start thinking. Switch off the news – it’s fake anyway, – switch off social media – its an odious echo chamber designed to dumb you down to the status of a gnat. Wake up.

The world is a highly complex place. It isn’t possible to have the knowledge or expertise to form a valid opinion for many of the issues facing us today. Chose your areas of focus perhaps? Stop seeing in black and white – see the myriad of the gray rainbow that makes up the world. Issues and problems are complex, challenging and take time and patience to resolve – often sub optimally. Don’t believe me – ask anyone who implemented a CTRM solution. American chicken? Depends where you buy it. British chicken – ditto.

In amongst the world of FB memes, endless throw away tweets, three syllable newspaper headlines and biased news reporting, there is a complex world. It is also a beautiful, dynamic, challenging place in which you get to spend some time and freedoms to do as you can, will, should… I love my work and I supplement it with book writing (40 books  including some Amazon best sellers on topics from ghosts to hedge funds), I make music (Two albums and a bunch of singles out – you can find them on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon etc) and much more fills my life. Patrick I know is one hell of a photographer…. as well as the best analyst I know.

So, my message?

Quit moaning and complaining – being used by whatever forces are out there – left or right. Switch on your brain. You don’t need to have opinions on everything nor could you have meaningful opinions on everything because we do not have the expertise….

And yes, the same applies when it comes to CTRM. Commodities is a complex world and there are often no easy answers just suboptimal solutions…..

More Zombies
Photo – Gary M V




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