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Agiboo Sees Traction for Version 4.0

Agiboo remain extremely busy, says CEO Jan van den Brom. Despite hiring and almost doubling in size in terms of staff, he still works an 80+hour week to service the demand. Not only is there an impressive level of demand for new CTRM solutions, but quite a few Agiboo customers decided to roll out the Agiboo platform globally, he told me. The vendor now has customers in all parts of the world including south and north America, Asia, the middle east, and Europe, and has increased its user base by 100% as well.

Meanwhile, it has also been busy on version 4.0 of its platform launched back in June. Jan sees the platform as the fulfilment of much of his original vision for CTRM and a true disrupter – “it finally allows for you to connect the entire information chain in commodities,” he said. “We can now combine external data via APIs to capture the entire end-to-end process creating a single platform for the user and the ability to automate and optimize.” He cites examples of working with shipping solutions to get ETA and other key data and connecting with banks.

He says they have lots of interest in v4.0. In the announcement of its website, Jan enlarged upon some of this – “The Big Wave BI application and its ShipsGo integration for real-time container are just one example of the extension of our ecosystem”, he continues. “We’re working with FinanceAgri to bring Sitagri Infinite’s data on futures prices directly into the Agiboo CTRM solution, to unlock the international cash market, derivatives, options and spreads of major agricultural exchanges. We’re working on supply chain management – for instance, tracking which shipment of cacao comes from which farmer. We’re looking at bill of lading, because that’s also coming – from procurement all the way to delivery, it’ll just be a few clicks.” In essence, Agiboo v. 4.0 allows the user to build an ecosystem of applications that all work together. Ominously for some, he claims that the time for big, expensive closed systems is over.

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Agiboo has around 50 customers globally these days and is doing roughly a prospect demo every day. It continues to focus on ags & softs where Jan sees good activity in cotton, cocoa, coffee and even grains, driving system selections. “We also see more companies adding commodities and trading multiple commodities,” he said. Another area he sees growing are non-listed commodities like spices, nuts and so on. There is a need to manage these physical businesses and automate them using CTRM,” he thinks.



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