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DycoTrade Leveraging its MS Heritage for increased usability and flexibility

It had been a while since I had had an update from DycoTrade, the MS Dynamics -based Commodity Management and CTRM vendor based in the Netherlands. However, this week, I had a briefing from Sales Manager, Frederik Haaxman and one of his colleagues to bring us back up to date. There are actually now two DycoTrade entities; DycoTrade and DycoTrade Next, I was informed. DycoTrade develops, implements and maintains its current software while DycoTrade Next has a specific focus on next generation technology and between them they have around 90 staff. DycoTrade, I was also reminded, has an Ags & Softs, Metals and Minerals focus.

Running on the MS Dynamics platform, DycoTrade is able to look at adopting a lot of technology in areas like AI, ML, data mining (BI) and so on, and has also started developing apps as stand-alone software offerings as well as a part of its software package. It has also embedded BI in its latest software update, he told me. This means that the DycoTrade software has easy to use graphical dashboards with drill down and analytics. Dashboards also exist for different types of use, he told me, like, for example, the CFO. “Many customers have already upgraded to the latest version just to get this functionality,” he said.

A couple of other major updates include the fact that DycoTrade is now available in the MS App source – a sort of app store where it is flagged as Microsoft preferred software. DycoTrade recently added their Multi Country Tax App. This App can be used on any web browser device and helps to properly administer the correct Sales tax declarations in different countries. Standard D365 does not cover this in full.

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Frederik also told me that DycoTrade saw the market as very active at the moment with lots of interest. “Metals has been a bit less active but other than that areas like feed and food have been very busy,” he said. One trend that he had noted was that firms were spending more time prepping for and conducting details demonstrations during selection processes. “They are spending more time validating potential solutions,” he said. Of course, DycoTrade is also now conducting remote implementations and had implemented 3-4 customers remotely in the latter half of last year.