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Vendor news & updates

DycoTrade and TFK Mercator Merger Update

On the 21st January a surprise announcement entered my email. It was from Dycotrade’s Managing Director, Mr. Ouko Reitsema regarding a merger with TKF Mercator. I was surprised on... continue reading

An ETRM vendor you may not know – EMK3

As you may know, at ComTech we track more than 80 vendors of ETRM / CTRM technology around the globe.  While many are well-known names in the industry, those... continue reading

Catching up with ComFin

Last week, I caught up with Austrian ETRM software vendor – ComFin – and I spoke with Mr. Gerald Neher (CEO) and Mr. Daniel Gallar (Bus. Dev.). The most... continue reading

Catching up with OpenLink and the LNG markets

Though the LNG markets are in a current state of flux, with a slowing global economy reducing overall energy consumption and low crude prices putting downward pressure on liquefied... continue reading

Albedo Energy Consulting – Analytics and Services

Indian company – Albedo Energy – is an consulting firm that provides business & technology solutions to companies operating in Energy sector. It provides a number of solutions to... continue reading

MicroStep HDO’s Xenergie Continues to be dominant Czech-Slovak Power Trading ETRM

Last week I also spoke to Slovak ETRM vendor MicroStep HDO who are in fact, right on my doorstep! Microstep HDO employ around 60 staff but it is a... continue reading

IntStream Oy Delivers Market Data and Risk Tools in Nordic Markets

IntStream Oy is a small Scandinavian software developer based in Finland. Established in 2001 it became part of the Europower Group (part of NHST Media Group) in 2007. The... continue reading

Trayport Contigo On A Roll

I had a call with the Trayport Contigo management team yesterday to see how business was for the company and what they saw in the market. The latter half... continue reading

Accenture buys Structure Group. And the winner is….

Yesterday’s news that Accenture had bought Structure Group was a bit of a surprise, as despite the press release’s insistence otherwise, the cultures of the two companies are pretty... continue reading

Cadran Consultancy Offers CTRM module for JD Edwards

The blurring of the boundaries between traditional ERP and CTRM is something that interests ComTech at the moment. The emergence of the SAP Commodity Management product line combined with... continue reading

Powel DeltaXE Solution is Europe-Ready!

This week, I visited with Powel in Basel, Switzerland. Powel’s Basel office used to be the HQ for Delta prior to its acquisition by Powel and now serves as... continue reading

Agiboo demonstrates technology prowess in both software and marketing

As Gary notes in the previous blog posting, while in London last week, we had an opportunity to meet with Mr. Bart Kroon, CEO of Agiboo, the European-based vendor... continue reading

Back in the UK

Last week, Patrick and I were both in the UK. We took some time out to plan next year in terms of topics for research and themes and much... continue reading

OpenLink leverages Tableau for improved data visualization

Data visualization is increasingly a “must-have” for trading organizations, particularly those that are engaged in multiple markets and actively trading large volumes of both financial and physical commodities.  With... continue reading

An Update on the Trilogy acquisition of SNG

Gary and I had the chance to visit with Dick Couron, CEO of Trilogy Effective Software Solutions, a few days ago to find out more about the company’s acquisition... continue reading

DycoTrade’s CTRM Solution on MS Dynamics AX Platform Thriving

DycoTrade is a vendor that offers a CTRM solution built on the MS Dynamics AX platform. The company was formed as a result of a management buy-out of the... continue reading

An update from SunGard Energy

I visited with the SunGard executive team recently to get an update on the company’s latest developments and activities. Andrew Bateman, the group’s president, indicated their flagship CTRM product,... continue reading

A Conversation with Mr. Bart Kroon, CEO of AGIBOO

I recently caught up with AGIBOO CEO Mr. Bart Kroon. Mr. Kroon joined AGIBOO as CEO earlier this year, and has a trading background, having held a number of... continue reading

In Search of That Elusive User!

Vendors and service providers spend significant amounts of time and money trying to connect with potential buyers, and sometimes users, of their software and services and to develop these... continue reading

News we missed – Trilogy buys SNG from OpenLink

A little late to the game here, but according to a post on LinkedIn by Jeremy Frye, President of Trilogy Effective Software Solutions, the company has purchased OpenLink’s SNG... continue reading

Catching up with DataGenic in the Americas

DataGenic, the European headquartered data management and analytics firm, recently made the announcement that they are expanding their market footprint by building out a North American presence. In that... continue reading