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Vendor news & updates

CTRM Leaders Video Interview with Mr. Richard Williamson, CEO of Generation 10 Ltd.

While in London, we also had the opportunity to talk to Mr. Richard Williamson, CEO of G10. With a 13-year history in the cotton and other Agricultural sectors, G10... continue reading

Agiboo Release v3.4 of Agiblocks

Agiboo has announced the release of v3.4 of its Agiblocks solution. The new functionality included in the release is largely associated with the finance, delivery and risk functions and... continue reading

A Conversation with Mr. Gavin Lavelle, CEO of Brady PLC

In the second of our new video interviews in the CTRM Leaders series, Patrick Reames talks to Mr. Gavin Lavelle, CEO of Brady PLC. He discusses Brady’s performance to... continue reading

‘CTRM Leaders’ Video Interview with Mr. Steve Hughes of Aspect Enterprise

Here is the first of four videos in the Leaders in CTRM series that we shot in London a couple of weeks ago. Mr Steve Hughes is President and... continue reading

What’s Coming Up?

It has been a busy two-weeks at ComTech Advisory. Last week, Patrick and I were in London were we met with several vendors during a pretty hectic schedule managing... continue reading

ComTech Advisory on the Road

Patrick and I are in London this week and have a full agenda of visits and video interviews culminating in attending the Commodity Now awards dinner on Wednesday night.... continue reading

Next Up – 2013 CTRM Market Size

Primarily worked by Patrick, the 2013 E/CTRM Market Sizing Study report is almost ready for publication probably on the 8th November. As usual, it will be a free report... continue reading

A European Acquisition – Powel AS Acquires Delta Energy

News today that Powel AS has acquired Swiss vendor Delta Energy. Powel is a 240 strong spin-off from the Norwegian Electric Power Research Institute (EFI), a part of the... continue reading

TriOptima Energy Commodities Portfolio Compression Run has Very Interesting Results

Multilateral compression of OTC derivative contracts is an effective and efficient process not only for reducing notionals and eliminating trades but also for managing counterparty exposures and releasing capital... continue reading

Eka’s solution for Industrial Customers

Recently we had a briefing from Eka on its solution for Industrial Customers perhaps otherwise known as solutions for commodity procurement, supply chain planning and hedging. Commodity processors such... continue reading

Brady Sees Cloud Potential

Patrick and I spoke yesterday to Gavin Lavelle, CEO of Brady. Mr. Lavelle sounded remarklably upbeat having just returned from a very well attended user group meeting in Madrid... continue reading

Trivia Question – How many people do CTRM software vendors employee?

The answer:  There are about 4900 people (on a FTE basis) working for CTRM product vendors around the globe, and even more than that if you take into account... continue reading

European Regulations, ETRM Software, Ovals and Bacon Butties – A Day at Contigo’s User Group Meeting

Last week I had the pleasure of visiting and speaking at the Contigo User Group meeting held at the The Oval cricket ground. The event was well organized and... continue reading

Agiboo Releases VaR Module for Agiblocks

Agiboo announced the release of its VaR module for its Agiblocks CTRM platform last week and more details may be found here. Agiblocks is a significant new addition to... continue reading

A Slow Summer for News and Deals?

Is it me or has this been a very slow summer? There hasn’t been much news coming out from the vendors or anywhere else to be honest and the... continue reading

Agiboo Launch Short Video Preview of Agiblocks

Agiboo has launched a short video to introduce prospective buyers to its new Agiblocks CTRM software. The Agiblocks software is highly modular and developed on state of the art... continue reading

Prices and P/L – There’s an App for That!

Trading natural gas and/or power in Europe means dealing with multiple exchanges, market operators, regulators, authorities and other bodies. Each region or country has its own infrastructure and access... continue reading

The Triple Point Acquisition by Ion is a Done Deal

While no press announcements have been forthcoming from either Triple Point or Ion, the acquisition of Triple Point by Ion Investments has been consummated. The Westport CT (home of... continue reading

EKA has quickly moved into the Upper Echelon of the CTRM Markets

EKA Software Solutions, with the recent announcement of their investment in Australia-based Matrix Group, has now built a base of products, personnel and revenues that has separated the company... continue reading

Generation 10’s Commodity Manager Focuses on Supply Chain Optimization

Generation 10 Ltd. is a Liverpool-based software development company and vendor that offers a number of solutions including a CTRM solution called the G10 Commodity Manager. Established in 2000,... continue reading

Eka Targets Enterprise Risk with Eka.Risk

Last week I had a presentation and short demonstration of Eka’s recently announced new risk product – Eka.Risk. Eka.Risk is aimed at solving the enterprise risk issue in commodities... continue reading