The Agiboo Roadshow
Agiboo has been on the trade show and conference circuit recently demonstrating its software and generating a lot of interest in Agiblocks, according to Mr. Bart Kroon, CEO. The company successful exhibited at the Kingsman Sugar Conference in Dubai and the Chocoa trade fair in Amsterdam in the last few weeks and will continue its flurry of activity at the Kingsman EU sugar seminar on April 14th in Geneva. All of this activity has resulted in a lot of interest and many sales prospects for Agiblocks, Mr. Kroon told us. The company has switched from development mode to sales and delivery mode with the maturing of the product and this was one key reason for Mr. Kroon’s appointment as he told us in a recent video interview.
Despite that switch, Agiboo is continuing to add functionality to Agiblocks at a rapid clip has recently announcing that it has finalized its dashboard functionality. ‘Users now open the system to their own personalized dashboard which can provide all the necessary information to manage trade and risk in real-time’ said Mr. Kroon. The dashboard can be set up to display price movements, hedge positions, country risk and positions, portfolio composition and purchase and sales distributions among other data and its content can be customized to meet either personal and or company requirements.
Additionally, the company has also recently added history viewing capabilities as well, so that users can monitor and see who did what and when to what data. “History” is available now in Agiblocks for,
• Each Counterparty, to view changes for a specific counterparty.
• Each physical asset in the Mark to Market details, to see the entire history for that asset.
• Each delivery line in a Contract Delivery screen, to view changes for a specific delivery line.
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