Extreme winter weather event in Texas reduced fuel ethanol production in February
The colder-than-normal weather that affected much of the United States in mid-February and disrupted Midcontinent and Gulf Coast petroleum markets also affected fuel ethanol producers. Fuel ethanol production fell to the lowest levels since the onset of responses to COVID-19 in spring 2020. U.S. weekly fuel ethanol production fell to an average of 658,000 barrels per day (b/d) during the week of February 21, 2021, which was the lowest weekly production level since May 11, 2020, and 38% lower than at the same time last year, according to EIA’s Weekly Petroleum Status Report. Production rates have since returned to average levels, but fuel ethanol inventories remain lower than their typical seasonal averages heading into the summer driving season.
Read more Extreme winter weather event in Texas reduced fuel ethanol production in February