Commodity Technology Advisory LLC (ComTech) is the leading analyst organization covering the Energy and Commodity Trading and Risk Management (E/CTRM) technology markets. We provide a variety of services to technology buyers, vendors, consulting and services companies, and industry investors. In this role, ComTech is dedicated to providing unbiased coverage of all vendors and solutions in the E/CTRM and related software space irrespective of whether or not that vendor has any type of commercial relationship with our firm.
Our knowledge of each vendor is developed through a combination of constant communication with industry participants, website and collateral reviews, background research with users, consultants and implementers, proprietary research and surveys, and finally via direct interviews and telephone briefings with the vendors themselves. Any vendor, firm or individual in the space is explicitly invited and encouraged to contact a ComTech analyst to ensure their company and products are accurately and adequately represented in our research and publications. Again, there is no charge for this basic analyst coverage and all technology providers are encouraged to proactively contact us on a regular basis to ensure our understanding of their products and capabilities are as up-to-date and complete as possible.
ComTech’s publications and research are supported via sponsorships and/or in-report paid advertising. This model allows us to provide these publications for free via download or online viewing on our corporate website (, the CTRMCenter ( and elsewhere; ensuring the widest possible readership (and exposure for sponsors and advertisers), particularly with technology buyers.
As previously noted, ComTech is also often retained to provide a wide variety of analyst services to various market participants. Many of our technology vendor and consulting clients are identified in the button ads on the right hand side of most pages of CTRMCenter and on the ComTechAlert email newsletter.
The CTRMCenter, a web portal for news, information and market opinion, is solely supported via paid advertising in only the form of banners, buttons, “in article” ads and sponsored links. We do NOT accept third-party articles for payment, nor do we publish paid-for advertorials. We will publish (under the banners of “Industry Voices” and “CTRM Community”), third-party blog and guest articles in those dedicated and clearly marked sections of the website, so long as there is no conflict of interest and the sources of those articles are clearly identified. All articles appearing in the CTRMCenter Blog solely reflect the thoughts and opinions of ComTech analysts. WE DO NOT PUBLISH “PAY FOR PLAY” BLOG ARTICLES – coverage in our blog of any company or product is independent of whether that company is a client of ComTech, or not. If an individual company is the subject of a blog article, we may choose to provide that company a preview of the article to ensure our understanding of the facts is complete and accurate; however, we maintain complete editorial control over the article at all times.