Opportunities and Threats 2023 – Part 2 – CTRMRadio 36
To kick off the year we decided to poll a few people around the industry as to what they saw the opportunities and threats posed by 2023 might be either to the industry, their business, or both. In part 2, to be released in a couple of days, we talk to Jan van den Brom of Agiboo and Dr. Jens Bartenschlager of Fidectus. In the final part, Patrick Reames and Gary M. Vasey discuss what we have learned.
In part 1 Opportunities and Threats 2023 – Part 1, we talked with Sulhi Akmehmet of Beacon Platform, Ito van Lanschot of Tradesparent, Simon Wheeler of Energy One Europe, Tasja Botha of Brady Commodities and George Bradshaw of Gen10.
CTRMRadio is an ad hoc podcast by Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, hosted on CTRMCenter.com. It is kindly sponsored by Enuit, provider of CTRM and Commodity Management solutions worldwide. Contact us for sponsorship or advertising opportunities.