Sourcebook 2024

This Commodity Technology Advisory (ComTech) CTRM & RM Sourcebook of Software Suppliers and Products is designed to be a highly usable and informationally rich resource for those seeking insights into the capabilities and coverage of products within the Commodity Trading and Risk Management (CTRM) and standalone Risk Management (RM) software space. It is a starting point in a product selection process - a mid-level guide to allow the reader to develop a long list of vendors that have high potential capabilities in terms of functional and commodity coverage to meet the specific needs of individual commodity market participants.
This document is not intended to be a replacement for a formal selection process – software solutions such as CTRM and/or RM software are simply too complex to be selected properly without utilizing a methodical selection process.
Rather, the intention in developing and publishing this Sourcebook is to inform the reader of the wide universe of vendors and products and their capabilities at a somewhat more detailed level than is otherwise available. Ultimately, the CTRM & RM Sourcebook will allow companies seeking a new system(s) to compile a list of vendors that may include some that might not have otherwise been considered, or even some that they may have been previously unaware.
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