Innovating Metals Solutions for a World in Turmoil

Over the last several years, the influence of geopolitics has been increasingly keenly felt by those involved in commodity supply chains to the point where it could be argued that geopolitics are now a primary driver of volatility and risk in commodity markets. These trends partly reflect the growing division between a western world committed to a wide variety of politically driven policies around environment, health, safety and sustainability, and a China/Russia-led BRICS world that is looking to go its own way. Additionally, wars in Europe and in the Middle East are playing a role that is also highly politically charged. The overall result is a swathe of new regulations, trade restrictions, sanctions and disputes that increasingly threaten global trade patterns.
While the fundamentals of supply and demand obviously still impact activity and pricing, even here political influences can and may color the associated risks. At the recent LME Weeks’ LME Metals seminar 2024, geopolitics and their influence on metals trading and risk was also high on the agenda for discussion. This white paper seeks to review the current global impacts of geopolitics on metals trading and assess how that impacts high-level requirements for Commodity Trading & Risk Management (CTRM) and related software solutions.
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