Fidectus AG
Fidectus’ Global Energy Network (GEN) delivers fully automated management of your entire over the counter (OTC) post-trade lifecycle; including regulatory reporting, electronic Confirmation Matching, electronic Settlement Matching, bilateral netting, multilateral netting, financing, and payment for energy and commodities markets.
GEN enables you to reduce your counterparty risk, increase your operational efficiency and scale. It also helps you to increase the speed of counterparty onboarding, improve your PnL and better manage your liquidity. We provide you tools to better manage your working capital.
GEN supports multiple standards as ISDA, EFET electronic Confirmation Matching (eCM), EFET electronic Settlement Matching (eSM) etc. Furthermore, you can connect easily and quickly to GEN via multiple channels as Restful API, SFTP, Email, SharePoint, cognitive OCR etc.) and formats (e.g. xml, json, csv etc.). That means you can handle and control all your inbound and outbound post trade workflows in one solution.